Migraine Cocktail: Legit Treatment or Dangerous Fad?
Has a migraine ever gotten so bad that you’ve gone to the emergency room, or thought about going? If you’ve received a migraine treatment in a hospital setting, you may have received what is common...

Tragus Piercings for Migraine Relief?
People with migraine headaches are always on the lookout for better relief. There are plenty of prescription and non-prescription drugs available, but a lot of migraineurs would rather not depend o...

Are Migraine Auras Dangerous to Your Health?
Are Migraine Auras Dangerous to Your Health? Migraines are traumatic enough without the auras that sometimes come with them. And while the auras can add a freakish experience to an already painf...

FL-41 Lenses: No, They're Not All the Same
FL-41 is a lens tint that was commonly used to manage light sensitivity. However, studies show a wide variance in FL-41 lenses from different vendors. So, are all FL-41, or light sensitivity glasse...

Why Alcohol Frequently Triggers a Migraine
Studies have found that a third of people who suffer from migraines say that alcohol is a trigger for them. In just a minute we’ll talk about why this might be the case, but first we want to offer ...

NEW: Axon Light-Responsive Lenses for People with Migraine and Photophobia
Faster, darker, less expensive. That’s right, Axon Optics has made significant improvements to our light-responsive eyewear for migraine sufferers. The lenses now become darker, change faster,...

Vestibular migraine is a rare type of migraine that affects about 1% of the population. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatment for this condition.