Eyes Sensitive to Sunlight? Why It Happens and How to Fix It
When you forget to put on your sunglasses before stepping outside during the middle of the day, you probably immediately notice your eyes are sensitive to sunlight. You’ll squint, shield your eyes ...

Discover 6 Tinted Glasses Types & Benefits
Wearing tinted glasses has been a bit of a fad lately — not necessarily sunglasses, but tinted eyeglasses meant for indoors. While some people wear them to look cool, tinted glasses can also ...

Migraine Glasses - Here's What We Know
Migraine glasses - with their precisely tinted lenses - are gaining popularity and getting rave reviews from users. What exactly are they though? How do they work? And the bigger question, DO they ...

The Results Are In: Axon Optics Eyewear Reduces Headache Impact
Since 2011, Axon Optics has been developing precision-tinted eyewear with purpose. As technology has advanced, our primary mission has remained constant: to help people who suffer from light sensit...

Veterans: Get Axon Migraine Glasses at VAs Nationwide!
Get Axon glasses at no cost to you. Migraine attacks? Sensitive to light? Just need a dark, quiet room? The majority of people living with migraine are light sensitive. Axon Optics develops eyewear...

Can Bright Lights Cause Headaches? Neuro-ophthalmologist Explains
If you suffer from migraine, bright lights headache might be a frequent problem for you. It may be a fact of life that under certain types of light, you’re likely to get a migraine. Unfortunately f...

Wearing Sunglasses Indoors is a Bad Idea
“I have had extreme photophobia for a year. I am now able to function in the house with glasses — but blinds are down. At night, I use low wattage incandescent bulbs with dimmers and 25 watt amber ...