Indoor Sunglasses? You must be a rock star trying to look cool, right? This is probably what someone would say if you are sporting a pair of sunglasses inside.
However, we know you’re not trying to be a rockstar, you’re seeking relief from fluorescent lighting, the glare from computer screens, and the bounced light shining through a window. These can all launch a veritable assault on the person with light sensitive eyes.
To help your light sensitive eyes, don’t wear regular sunglasses indoors, get sunglasses specifically made for indoor use.
Wearing Regular Sunglasses Indoors Can Worsen Your Light Sensitivity
Dr. Bradley Katz, a neuro-ophthalmologist at the University of Utah Medical Center and founder of Axon Optics says, “Unfortunately, by wearing dark glasses, even though one may feel better temporarily, once the glasses come off the light sensitivity can become much worse.”
He goes on, “By wearing dark glasses, the eye “dark adapts” and becomes more sensitive to light. Think of what it’s like to go outside after being in a matinee for 2 hours. The afternoon light is blinding until your eyes re-adapt to the light. Dark-adapting your eyes is a common problem for migraineurs and other sufferers of light sensitivity.”

Instead, Use Specially Tinted Indoor Sunglasses
You can purchase specially tinted indoor sunglasses that don’t dark-adapt your eyes here. Axon Optics powered by Avulux® Migraine Lenses were developed by a neuro-ophthalmologist, and have been shown to help reduce the impact of light sensitivity, which may include migraine. More on the specifics of that later.
The concept of indoor sunglasses (or light sensitivity glasses as they are often called) has been around for decades. Scientists have been working to perfect the technology, making today’s indoor sunglasses better researched than ever. And fortunately, they are also more stylish.
Several studies suggest that these special indoor sunglasses may help some people who suffer from light sensitivity. They do this by blocking certain types of “bad light” while letting “good light” through. A person who is sensitive to light wears the glasses and the lenses shield the person’s eyes from the wavelengths of light most associated with triggering their symptoms.

Studies Support the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Indoor Lenses
There have been several scientific studies conducted to determine the effectiveness of precision tinted lenses on light sensitivity, especially as it relates to migraine headaches. The results have been very positive. In "Shedding Light on Photophobia,” doctors Kathleen B. Digre and K.C. Brennan explore photophobia and a number of potential remedies, including rose tinted lenses. They specifically studied the FL-41 tint and how people with light sensitivity responded. The results were very favorable with not only positive feedback from the users, but also their own medical exams they conducted to record involuntary responses.
Another study published in 2009 involved people who had benign essential blepharospasm; sensitivity to light is one of the primary symptoms. The results were overwhelmingly in favor of the FL-41 lenses as a viable way to help people whose eyes are sensitive to light. By these accounts, these specially tinted indoor sunglasses can help at least some people who have difficulty tolerating certain types of light. In fact, some people are calling them “light sensitivity glasses” because they work so well for them.

What Do the People Say?
While research shows that indoor sunglasses may help people, ultimately, it’s the actual users who have the final say. They are the ones suffering with light sensitivity and wearing the glasses – and the response has been incredible.
Here at Axon Optics we sell a line of therapeutic eyeglasses specifically made for indoor use, featuring Avulux lenses for light sensitivity and migraine. Our awesome customers send us letters every day telling us what a difference our precision tinted lenses have made in their lives. Victoria said:
Thank you so much! I LOVE these glasses. I am now able to go to the gym or the grocery store and survive artificial lighting. Recently I attended a conference for three days in a hotel that had all fluorescent lighting, and managed to avoid a migraine. I would absolutely suggest you try these if you too are sensitive to lights.
There are many styles available for men and women. Take a look and see for yourself – they just might help you too. Have you used “indoor sunglasses?” How did they work for you?
References:, K. B., & Brennan, K. (2012). Shedding Light on Photophobia. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology, 32(1), 68–81.