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20 Highly Effective Migraine Relief Remedies in 2023 (w/ Sources)

For people with migraine, relief can be hard to find. Whether you get migraines a few times a month or pretty much every day, an attack can take you down fast and keep you there for a day or more.

You may not be able to avoid migraines altogether. But a selection of daily habits may help reduce migraine frequency, duration or severity, so you could suffer less overall.

In this article, we’ll offer 20 ways to find migraine relief, either for prevention or when you’re already in pain. Most of these are natural remedies for migraine and tools that may help with prevention.

Migraine Glasses Icon

1. Migraine Glasses

Migraine glasses, also called light sensitivity glasses, have been shown to help people with migraine manage the negative impact of light. They work by filtering out the specific wavelengths of light known to trigger or exacerbate migraine headaches in light sensitive people.

Since about 90% of migraine sufferers are light sensitive, having an essential light management tool like Axon Optics glasses is a must. Axon Optics glasses contain Avulux® Migraine & Light Sensitivity lenses, the only clinically proven lenses made specifically for people with migraine and light sensitivity.

Lavender Icon

2. Lavender

According to research conducted in 2012, migraineurs who breathed the vapors of lavender oil for 15 minutes during an attack achieved quicker migraine relief than people who inhaled a placebo. Breathe in the scent of the oil (it smells fantastic) or dilute it and rub it on your temples.

Peppermint Icon

3. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil contains menthol, a substance studied for its potential use in stopping a migraine attack. A 2010 study found that a menthol solution applied to the temples and forehead worked better than placebo for the pain nausea, and light sensitivity associated with migraine.


4. Feverfew

Well known as a natural remedy for migraine relief, this flowering herb looks much like a daisy. While a 2004 systematic review didn’t find enough evidence to prove feverfew can prevent migraine, a lot of people swear by it for relieving their symptoms. The study of feverfew continues.


5. Ginger

Ginger is widely used for sour stomach brought on by illness, pregnancy, and yes, migraine. Research has shown that ginger powder may decrease the duration and severity of migraine as effectively as sumatriptan, a prescription migraine drug.

Butterbur icon

6. Butterbur

In 2012, the American Academy of Neurology actually recommended butterbur for migraine prevention. But they pulled their recommendation of this natural remedy a few years later due to potential liver toxicity. Some butterbur products may contain PAs (pyrrolizidine alkaloids) that may
damage the liver and have other potential risks. If you use butterbur, choose products that have had the PAs removed.

7. CoQ10

Research is ongoing, but there is some evidence that taking CoQ10 may provide some migraine relief. A review of studies in 2018 showed CoQ10’s effectiveness in reducing migraine duration and migraine days per month. A 2021 study upheld those findings. The studies used doses ranging from 30 mg to 800 mg daily.

8. Magnesium Oxide

Adding magnesium oxide to your diet through foods and supplements can help prevent migraine with aura, as well as those related to a woman’s menstrual cycle. Magnesium-rich foods include almonds, sunflower and sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, cashews, oatmeal, eggs, and peanut butter.

Riboflavin Icon

9. Riboflavin

High doses of riboflavin have been found beneficial in treating migraines. In one study, patients received a 400 mg daily dose. The frequency, intensity, and duration was reduced by half when compared to baseline levels after 3 and 6 months of use.

Acupressure Icon

10. Acupressure

This is the practice of applying pressure to certain points on the body said to affect other points. As an alternative practice, acupressure is used to help relieve pain and other symptoms. In a systematic review conducted in 2014, acupressure was found credible in relieving chronic headache pain. Another study revealed that acupressure may relieve nausea caused by migraine.

Massage Icon

11. Massage

If you need a great excuse to get a massage every week, here you go! A study has found that weekly massage may actually reduce the frequency of migraine, along with improving sleep. As suggested by the study, massage can reduce your perception of stress and help you cope. So if your migraines are stress-related, regular massage could be helpful.

Migraine Diary Icon

12. Migraine Diary

Keeping a detailed diary of your migraines and what you were doing before or during the attack can help you identify contributing patterns. Many people can reduce their attacks and achieve some migraine relief within a few weeks of stringent diary-keeping.

Through your migraine diary, you might identify triggers, medications, or self-treatments that work (or not), and symptoms. It can also help you communicate with your doctor about your condition.

Many people choose to keep a physical migraine diary or tracker, but others like to use an app, like Migraine Buddy.

Yoga Icon

13. Yoga

Practicing yoga may relieve the intensity, duration and frequency of migraine attacks. This could be due to the release of tension, reduced anxiety, and improved vascular health it promotes.

While studies say it’s too early to recommend yoga as a primary therapy for migraine relief, researchers do believe that yoga can be a good complementary therapy because it supports overall health.

Avoid Nitrites Icon

14. Avoid Nitrates/Nitrites

Processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, sausage, and deli meats are usually laden with nitrates and/or nitrites during the curing process. These substances are believed to be migraine triggers for many people.

Cut Caffeine Icon

15. Cut Caffeine

A little caffeine may help some people with their migraine pain; it’s even an ingredient in some migraine drugs. However, too much caffeine may actually trigger a migraine attack. Ingesting it regularly and then stopping too suddenly may also lead to headaches from withdrawal.

Proper Sleep Icone

16. Proper Sleep

There is a known connection between sleep quality and migraine frequency. Inadequate sleep as well as oversleeping are coming triggers for headaches, and regular sleep may help reduce attacks. There is also a correlation between migraine and sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia.

Rx Drugs Icon

17. Prescription Drugs

We’re all for natural remedies for migraine, and you probably are too. But sometimes you might also need to treat a migraine attack with prescribed pharmaceuticals. What works for someone else might not work for you, but there are several medicines that have been shown to provide migraine relief for at least 50% of patients within a couple of hours.

Sumatriptan injection

Sumatriptan 100mg tablet

Sumatriptan nasal spray

Zolmitriptan 2.5mg

Diclofenac 50mg

Paracetamol 1,000mg

OTC Drugs Icon

18. Over-the-Counter Drugs

You might try these if you don’t have a prescription or would like to avoid strong painkillers. Ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen are all good options. Be sure to read your labels for dosage and talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how much to take.

Neuromodulation Icon

19. Neuromodulation

Neuromodulation uses low electrical currents or magnetic energy to alter brain activity. These devices have been studied for potential treatment of cluster headache and migraine relief. Many of these devices are only available by prescription, but there is one device FDA-approved for over-the-counter purchase.

20. Biofeedback

During a biofeedback session, you’ll be connected to electrical sensors that give you information about what’s going on in your body. The feedback collected allows you to make subtle changes that help you control autonomic reactions. You might be able to relax certain muscles that could help with migraine relief due to the release of tension.

Happy man and woman wearing axon optics migraine glasses

The Takeaway

While there is no known cure, you’ve armed yourself with 20 remedies that could help you get some migraine relief. With trial and error, you can choose several methods that could reduce your pain.

Be sure to ask your doctor about starting or stopping any supplements or medicine.

Shop Axon Optics Migraine Glasses


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